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密 码:
The IronKey | 随身盘 IronKey

The Internet has changed many of the ways that people live, work and think. It has also introduced new dangers, like identity theft , into people’s lives as companies, employers andgovernments have begun to collect and store people’s personal information.

Enter the IronKey — a tiny USB drive that encrypts files and protects them with a password. Housed in a metal case, the IronKey is filled with a compound that makes it both waterproof andtamper-proof. If someone tries to open the case or enters the wrong password more than ten times, the IronKey will “self-destruct” and destroy all of the data.

The IronKey also provides protection for those using shared computers or an open wireless network. The drive contains its own web browser that channels Internet activity through the IronKey’s Secure Sessions Service. This prevents Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and network operators from monitoring users.

The drive leaves virtually no footprint on computers because all passwords and browsing history are stored securely on the IronKey itself. The IronKey offers everyone, from business people to students, privacy and computer security wherever they go.




小型随身碟 IronKey 此时正可派上用场,它能将档案加密并用密码加以保护。IronKey 有金属外壳,内含一种化合物,使其既能防水又能防止外力破坏。一旦有人试图打开外壳或输入错误密码超过10次,IronKey 就会“自行毁坏”,将所有数据销毁。

IronKey 也能保护使用公用电脑或开放无线网络的人。该随身盘内含自己的网络浏览器,上网的活动均通过IronKey 的“安全时段服务”进行,让网络服务提供商和无线网络业者无法监视用户。

这个随身碟几乎不会在电脑上留下任何痕迹,因为所有的密码和浏览记录都稳妥地存在 IronKey 上。从商务人士到学生,IronKey 让人们不管身在何处,都能保有隐私并安全地使用计算机。

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